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June 1999 - Special Edition

Solutions 4 has developed a comprehensive newswire facility to provide information on current issues in development to its clients. The newswire space will normally hold articles on legislative change, funding opportunities and web sites to visit that provide useful information. If you would like an article to appear in the newswire please e - mail Paul at the address below.


Training Evaluation

What methods of evaluation do you use to ensure that the training or development events that you attend provide you with practical assistance to achieve your aims? I would like to hear from you if you have taken part in an evaluation of training that has been valuable to you and your organisation. Should organisations send employees on courses that they do not want to attend? How would these be evaluated?

Virtual Communities

The systems designed to enhance our ability to communicate with each other become more available every day. Our ability to transfer our current communication skills to work through these new media is key. Virtual communities are no longer a thing of the future but a reality of today. Is anyone out there helping people to get to grips with these issues ?


In our society today we rarely take the time to address issues like respect. We rarely give them our full attention. We are usually to busy doing things. Would you like to share your views on respect with like minded individuals? Is there room for respect in the world we live in today ?

New Deal

What sort of deal is the government providing for small companies ?

Website Information

For those of you who like to keep up with what is going on in the world of training and development an ideal site to browse is the TrainingZone. You can reach the TrainingZone at The TrainingZone provides basic up to date information at no cost and offers the facility to enter other sites at low cost. Try it out and let me know what you think.

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